Podcast: Download
This week I give a quick update on #BALLER Leather and some behind the scenes plans for the long-term content marketing. Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas for improvements in the comments section.
Topics Discussed:
- Update on #BALLER Leather
- Starting with why and finding the high-level purpose
- E-commerce platform, bank accounts, and incorporation
- Long-term content marketing – curation vs. creation
- Special discount code for BMOS listeners
Mentions in the Episode:
- How I Created A Product In China Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- BigCommerce
- Shopify
- Schwab One Organization Account
- Wyoming LLC
Episode Length: 16:02
Download Options:
- Direct Download: Right-click here and click “Save As” for a direct download
- iTunes: Listen and subscribe on iTunes
- Android: Listen via Stitcher Radio streaming
- Blackberry: Listen via the Blackberry Podcast App
- Zune: Listen via Zune
Hi Terry,
Since you asked for feedback…I throw in my 2 cents. On ballerleather.com, I think you are off to a great start. The site looks great. It might be worth considering three things (in order of importance).
1. Increase the imagery of your product “in use” versus pictures of cars, houses, and cocktails on the home page.
2. Increase the frame size of an individual product on the specific product page. The current window is quite small…particularly when using the zoom feature.
3. Modify the BL blog presentation to highlight the content over the imagery. While it’s visually attractive, a shift to a style that more clearly displays the content (text, headlines, etc) would be more effective.