Podcast: Download
During the summer of 2014 Travis grew his revenues from $10K/mo to over $40K/mo through a combination of marketing strategies. In this episode we go into the details of what worked for him and what didn’t. We start off looking at his business on a very high level, figuring out what metrics to look at, ad budgets, and how to double down on what’s working.
Topics Discussed:
- The big-picture strategy and tactics for approaching revenue growth
- How to determine which marketing channel you should double down on
- Using pageviews to measuring ad traction with a small budget
- Understanding the buying cycle and where your ads fall in the process
- How to feature your customers and get them to promote your brand
- How to use directories to research distribution channels
- Increasing your footprint with on-site SEO and multiple product pages
- Utilizing Facebook ads to build brand awareness for conversions down the line
- Sometimes Amazon isn’t the golden goose everyone says it is
- Improving your site usability and user experience
- Routine productivity hacks and streamlining your work flow
- Joining a mastermind to meet other entrepreneurs for ideas and advice
- Hiring a virtual assistant to free your mind and take over mundane tasks
Mentions In The Episode:
- Beardbrand
- E-Commerce Fuel
- How To Do Your 20s
- Bdancewear
- Baller Leather
- Wave Tribe
- Mud Gear
- Hacker Warehouse
Download Options:
- Direct Download: Right-click here and click “Save As” for a direct download
- iTunes: Listen and subscribe on iTunes
- Android: Listen via Stitcher Radio streaming
- Blackberry: Listen via the Blackberry Podcast App
- Zune: Listen via Zune