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Conrad Egusa from Publicize.co and former Venturebeat writer joins us this week to talk about what journalists and press are looking for in a story. He shares his experience as a writer and advisor to startups on how to craft your story, write an email pitch, and successful ride the wave of features on prominent publications for your industry.
Topics Discussed:
- Background of the PR industry
- What stories are journalists are publications looking for
- Two ways to make your pitch stand out from the competition
- Why you should consider giving journalists an exclusive
- Email etiquette and social proof best practices
- The ROI of PR in the short-term vs. long-term
- Should you hire an independent PR agent off Odesk/Elance?
Mentions in the Episode:
- DC Mastermind with Dan/Ian in Austin, TX (Aug 29-30th, 2014)
- Ecommerce Fuel Live in Austin, TX (Aug 22-24, 2014)
- Smart Marketer Live in Austin, TX (Sept 26-27, 2014)
- Publicize
Download Options:
- Direct Download: Right-click here and click “Save As” for a direct download
- iTunes: Listen and subscribe on iTunes
- Android: Listen via Stitcher Radio streaming
- Blackberry: Listen via the Blackberry Podcast App
- Zune: Listen via Zune