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Many blogs talk about leaving your job, but few discuss what happens right after. In this episode, I discuss five paradigm shifts that happen to your life right after quitting your job and taking the leap.
Topics Discussed:
- 03:00 – Why this episode?
- 04:00 – My story before I quit my job
- 05:00 – Personal finance is the ground zero of entrepreneurship
- 06:00 – Event vs. process of quitting your job
- 06:30 – #1: Time
- 08:00 – #2: Health
- 09:00 – #3: Finances
- 10:30 – #4: Comfort zones
- 13:00 – #5: Law of averages
Mentions in the Episode:
- Rick Mulready
- The Not-So-Sexy Step That Every Entrepreneur Must Take
- Pat Flynn
- Corbett Barr
- Caleb Wojcik
- Tropical MBA
- Awesome Clairty Podcast with Andrew Youderian
- Jim Rohn
Episode Length: 16:57
Blogs Post To Check Out:
Download Options:
- Direct Download: Right-click here and click “Save As” for a direct download
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New Samples For #Baller Leather:
Just shared your podcast, and great points Terry. I definitely think that you need at least 6 – 12 months saving before you go “full-time” into running your own biz. I`m sure this podcast can help a lot of people interested in making the jump. Don`t know if you already read ideamensch.com but that`s another place I get great ideas aside from a select few podcasts like Buildmyonlinestore.com
Keep it up!
Thanks Howard, certainly a lot more details I could go into but perhaps for a later episode!
Interested to know what made you choose Big Commerce over Shopify.
Mostly the ability to make changes to the checkout page and some more features out of the box rather than adding a bunch of 3rd party apps to get it up to speed.