Podcast: Download
This week we reflect on the one-year anniversary of Travis being a co-host of this podcast. We also talk about some lessons learned from our previous mastermind and the re-launch in September 2015 of weekly calls, a private Facebook group, and the hotseat format. If you’d like to join weekly accountability calls with folks at similar revenue levels, click the Apply Here link below.
Topics Discussed:
- One year in review as co-hosts
- How we met and got connected
- How the mastermind has impacted our businesses
- Lessons learned from the last round of masterminds
- Improvements and changes to the new group
- Accountability, skin in the game, and consistency
- How do apply if you are interested
Mentions In The Episode:
- New Mastermind Launch – Click Here
Download Options:
- Direct Download: Right-click here and click “Save As” for a direct download
- iTunes: Listen and subscribe on iTunes
- Android: Listen via Stitcher Radio streaming
- Blackberry: Listen via the Blackberry Podcast App
- Zune: Listen via Zune